Tell Us Your Story

Share your Memories...

Anyone who has ever spent time at the Historic Ironwood Theatre (HIT) and asked people to share their thoughts  and memories of this midwest gem, soon learns how beloved this building and institution is in the minds and hearts of so many. Faces literally light up as questions about first contact with HIT and favorite memories are answered. Tales abound of youthful hi-jinks at Saturday matinees, first kisses in the balcony, and stories about two and three generations of one family treading the boards of our spectacular Theatre.

Wouldn't it be great if we all had the pleasure of hearing these stories? So anybody with a connection to HIT  is invited to share your story, through our website. Please use the email form below to submit your story or memory. Don't forget to press the <Submit> button once you've typed in your memory.  We will gather up the submitted stories and present them here for everybody's enjoyment. Stories will be presented under heading of your first name only, or anonymously if you prefer. Your email address will not be published. We only need that should we need to contact you with a question about your submission.

Tell Us Your Story

Your last name, email, and phone numbers will NOT be published on our website. We just need them for contact purposes, should we have any questions.